About the author

Russian English

    Dear visitor,

    You are on the main page of English language version of the web-site "Clandestine wars. History of Special Services. 1919 - 1945". Sorry, this version is much more shorter then Russian one, and we are not able to offer you translated extracts from the chapters. But here you can investigate the content of Igor Lander's book "Clandestine wars. History of Special Services. 1919 - 1945" (Odessa, "Druk", 2007).

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    This 3-volume book consists of almost 1800 pages of large format, 504 photos and 14 maps. It is a complex historical study of the activity and evolution of the intelligence, counter-intelligence and cryptanalytic services of various governments during the interwar and WWII periods, theirs structure, personalities, operations, relations within own government and military authorities, inter-state relations. Author used a lot of exclusive material, published and archival.

    Bibliography consists of 640 titles.

    Text has passed the scientific edition in Odessa National University.

    Monograph is being used in Academies of FSB (Russian Federation), SBU (Ukraine) and Institute of foreign intelligence (Ukraine).

    Book awarded Diploma of XII International book exhibition "Green wave" (2007) in the category "Scientific book" and was entered in the Short List of "The Past" nomination of the "Book of the year" concours (Ukraine, 2007).

    At the same time this monograph is interesting not only for professionals and historians, but for ordinary readers, too.

    Book is in the library stocks of the Library of Congress (USA), Cambridge University Library, Russian National Library (St. Petersburg), Russian State Library (Moscow), Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, etc.

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    Author is ready to cooperate with publishers and literary agents.

      Copyright © I.I. Lander, 2006 - 2025.